Friday, 21 June 2013


I have been quite looking forward to going to a Thai wedding and this is my first experience of one. One of Moni's cousins is getting married and we got an invitation through the post. Well it's a rare occasion we ever see the postman because only the electric, water and internet bills come by post which involves a man on a scooter dropping them off. The electric and water bill are not by the same postman and you usually have to give him the money before he leaves, anyway I digress.
So the wedding is on the day we are suppose to be leaving early to go to Huahin, Koh Samui and Koh Phangan for Moni's birthday celebrations and a small break away. We decided to go to Moni's cousins the night before and stay to the late afternoon and then catch a bus to Huahin (8-10 hour drive) so we could at least join in some of the wedding celebrations. So me, Moni and Bill (Moni's 8 year old neice) got on my scooter and drove off to Nong Bua Daeng were the wedding is being held. On the way it pissed it down so much when the rain drops hit your face they stung so needless to say we all got soaked. We finally arrived at the bride's house after about 15 minutes of driving in the rain she they let us dry off and change clothes there. Lot of relatives had come the night before so there wasn't really any space for us to stay at the house so me and Moni got a hotel room nearby.
This little bungalow is about £8-9 a night and was like my little bit of paradise because it had a hot shower, toilet, bed, tv and aircon :) I have to say I haven't really missed any of these but it was nice to have them back for a brief time.

The next morning is the wedding but Moni has gotten ill overnight because of driving soaked so even though we turned up at her cousins wedding we only stayed an hour before Moni felt too ill and we had to go back to the hotel. As we left the groom was just about to arrive at the house so even though I count this experience as going to a wedding I am yet to experience the whole thing. Unfortunately we got 1 picture of the bride and the cameraman couldn't figure out how to use my camera :( Also I feel I have to mention that only the bridge and groom dress up for weddings it seems and everyone else wears what they want.

So I still want to go to a full wedding but also I want to go to a funeral because they party day and night up until the cremation which is usually about 4 days.

We actually stayed in the hotel an extra night and woke up very early the next morning to catch the bus to Huahin.

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