Thursday, 13 June 2013

Differences with bringing up their children

So another difference in lifestyle I've seen and have been amazed about is how children are brought up here. They seem to be allowed to do anything to a degree for example Mixer (just a little over 2 years old) you may have seen in the building posts picking up a hammer and nail and copying his dad, another picture you can see him practising sawing a piece of wood. Now when they pick these dangerous tools up they are of course yelled at to be careful but are then allowed to proceed, if at any time they look like they are mis/incorrectly using these tools they are yelled at again and on the odd occasion and adult will run over to stop them. Mixer because of this can actually successfully saw and tap a nail on the head a few times to get it in, personally I find this amazing at such a young age.
Some other activities I've seen are Bill (Moni's 8 year old niece) ironing her clothes in the evening each day for school.
Bris (Moni's just turned 3 year old niece) picking up quite a sharp knife and then using it to slice her own Mango.

Also children starting at the age of 8 are taught to drive a scooter if they want and quite often you seem them driving down to the local shop to get some food on them, I will get a picture of this when I can.

I have asked if there are many accidents with children and Moni said yeah Mixer has cut himself a few times but then learns to be more careful.

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