Wednesday, 5 June 2013


No time in Thailand whether you love or hate it is complete without a visit to a temple. I had mine on the 2nd day in the village because I apparently needed more good luck than I had already been blessed with the day before by the village elders and family.

There were a couple of bizarre events here like a test of strength and fortune teller machine. The test of strength consisted of picking up a Buddha statue before which the monk asks a question and apparently if you can pick it up or not determines the answer to the question. Most of the time they will ask you 2 questions one were you cant pick up the statue and one were you can and this all based on the magical powers of Buddha. I managed to pick it up both times but the first time was a lot harder than the 2nd but I have no idea what this meant if anything :P I am suspicious of the statue test and think there maybe more than supernatural powers behind why some people can sometimes pick up the statue and sometimes cant.

There was  also some fortune telling machine that you insert some coins into and then it lights up a number which indicates something about your future. I wasn't as interested in this an it seemed like something from a fairground arcade in the 80s.

Sadly I'm not sure if I was allowed to take pics inside the temple so I only took some after the above events:

This is a donation funded funeral pyre that's being built.
Not sure about this one, it looks like a watch tower but what they need to watch for I don't know :P


 Some of the residences for the local monks at the temple:

On my way out of the temple gate:

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