Monday, 11 November 2013

There's no I in Team but there is a lot of Thai whiskey

This post is about a young boy whose parents split up and couldn't/didn't want to look after so the Boonkhan's (the family I stay with) whom are relations of these parents decided to take him in and bring him up. This young boy has now grown up and is known to most people in my village as Sum (in Thai it means long chin guess why they call him that) but his real name is Team. Now Team mostly spends his days working in Bangkok as a builder (maybe builders assistant) at the age of 17 and he usually goes to work for about 2-3 months at a time and then comes home to give his parents (the Boonkhan's not his real ones) some money and to help out on the farm when a new season starts. So anyone who might still be reading at this point please meet Team:

He's my drinking buddy and we do a lot together like hunting and fishing, oh also by the way this pic is actually part of larger pic with him holding up a dead rice rat that we got, this can be seen again when i do a post about hunting. As I said we also drink Thai whiskey together called Lao Khao its vile stuff and tastes something like what I imagine gasoline to taste like but its very cheap and very potent so it does the job.


  1. Did you get him that t-shirt?! Nice to see him representing the mother country!

  2. I actually didn't and I don't know where he bought it from :P There's quite a few USA and UK flagged t-shirts for sale over here though.
    Big up to the UK!
