Thursday, 17 October 2013

Mixers School

Occasionally I take Mixer to school/day care so have gotten to know his teachers and one morning they asked if I would be able to help out for a morning and let them take some pictures of me doing so. They will use the pictures to promote the school to try and get more budget as they were able to get a foreigner to come and help teach the kids some English. I don't have any pics during the day activities I did with them only at the end.

I taught them head, shoulders, knees and toes which the teachers got me to write down and they later translated it to Thai/Isaan and they all now sing and dance to it. I did join in with the kids singing and dancing to some Thai karaoke videos without being asked which the teachers seemed to be pleased about.

This is of me and the class I helped teach:

This is me receiving a piggy bank money box as a gift with some money in.

I am enjoying some biscuits and coffee after dancing with the kids.

The teachers also wrote me a letter in Thai/Isaan to say thanks for taking the time to help them out.


  1. Wow, very cool! Are you going to go back? Was it far from your house?

  2. I havent been back to teach but I go there once a week or so to take mixer to school. Its in my village and only 2-3 mins away on my scooter.

  3. Loving the posts, but probably not as much as you are being there, enjoy.
