Friday, 20 September 2013

Trouble in paradise

Okay so this is not everyone's idea of paradise but still.
One day after getting home Dab (Moni's family dog), Bamboo (my dog) and Mango (a chicken) had been in a fight as they were all injured. Dab was limping around, Bamboo had a few cuts and grazes and Mango had a broken leg.

Most days they all play together, well i say play together Dab and Bamboo do and then when Bamboo realises he cant get the better of Dab he chases Mango around until he can bite (playfully) his bum or wing. Mango is a chicken whose mum was killed at an early age so was brought up by Moni's mother so she's a little tame and by that I mean she always hangs around the family at a safe distance and like to sleep with and groom the dogs. Well she was already a little tame so I started feeding her a bit and got her to let me pick her up eventually.

I named the chicken Mango after my favourite fruit :) mainly because once you name an animal it has character and becomes a pet instead of a meal.
One fine day I was devouring my dinner Moni's mum had prepared and I realised I hadn't seen Mango all day so I asked if anyone had seen him to which Moni's mum laughed and said something to Moni which she translated to me as "your eating him". :(
I miss you Mango and your in a better place now sorry for eating you but you were DELICIOUS! All those dinner side treats I threw to you really paid off. Apparently Mango had become too tame and kept jumping on tables, chairs and things that the chickens around here don't normally jump on and wherever the chickens jump they also poop so Moni's mum got tired of clearing his mess off things.

One final pic of Mango and dogs invading my house:

1 comment:

  1. Poor Mango. I hoped to meet him. Still, at least he was delicious
