Sunday, 5 May 2013

Weekend away with my family

I spent the weekend away at my mums with my family and here are the pics :)

We spent the day in Livepool and spotted this strange busker

This is my Mum and Dads old pub in Liverpool many years ago and were my brother was brought up

This statue reminded me of the bronze Bruce Lee statue in Hong Kong so I did the Bruce Lee pose infront of this :P

So the next time you see pictures I would imagine I will be in Thailand. I will miss you all but not that much lets face it because I'm in a hot sunny country being lazy and well you are all back here working haha

1 comment:

  1. Awwww Kev I have just read your entire blog from start to present. LOVE it! Little Mixer is the cutest little fella ever!! Great to see the progress of the build and to see who you will be living with. I am sure you will be very happy there. Looks lovely! Your leaving video is hilarious, I cried with laughter!! Look forward to updates on here and catching up. Safe journey down south today, and an even safer one to Thailand in the morning! Take care. Love you lots. xxx
